Estamos a 9 dias del lanzamiento del single "Fool's gold" de ese tan esperado disco LØVË
Para ir abriendo boca hasta el gran día os dejo la letra de la canción para que la vayais aprendiendo.
Recordar, el 1 de Abril sale a la venta!
She's living in this lie with him
no more coffee in the morning
I'm wide awake while he's sleeping in
know that's why your calling
you woke up chasing
feelings, healing, trouble, dealing
coping with the fact that you're alone
it makes you miss my body
touching,kissing, squeezin
he don't know you're worth your weight in gold
Look at you falling
Do you even know what you're falling for?
Cause I see you falling
You traded my heart for some fool's gold
Look at you falling
Do you even know what you're falling for?
Cause I see you falling
You traded my heart for some fool's gold
Can't think about your nights with him
wearing nothing but the moonlight
feel your counscious stepping in
to my house but
I dont need this pressure
you're my greatest stressor
panties on my bed,where they come from?
show up uninvited
fucking up my vibes with
all the shit you pretend you want
Look at you fallin
Do you even know what you're falling for?
Cause I see you falling
You traded my heart for some fool's gold
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